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How do you manage commercial waste?

Commercial waste refers to any waste that is generated on the commercial property of any business. It can range from paper, cardboard, paperboard, wrapping material, cans, packaging materials, or any other form of waste produced in huge quantities from business activities. Every business produces some kind of waste depending on the nature of its activities. The important part is PROPER disposal of this waste. Commercial waste can cause pollution to a large extent, disrupting several natural environmental phenomena.

S3FM brings to you a list of the tips to manage the commercial waste from your business:

1. Follow the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle):

The three Rs are probably the most important part of sustainability. It is essential that organizations work actively towards making sure they REDUCE the waste produced by them on a daily basis to reduce their carbon footprint. This can be achieved is they actively REUSE the waste that can be reused and RECYSLE that which cannot be reused as it is.

2. Keep track of waste:

Another very important aspect of managing commercial waste is to keep a close eye on what waste is being generated by the organizational activities. This is how companies can understand the sources of over-generation of waste that can be reduced by making a few changes in within their processes.

3. Teams for waste management:

Who better than the workforce to understand the waste generated by your own organization? One very effective method of managing commercial waste is to build a team of employees coming from different levels and departments around the organization who are delegated the task of waste management. They can pool the information and come up with management ideas to reduce the generation of waste from their departments, eventually reducing the overall waste generation of the organization.

4. Sorting systems for waste:

A great way to keep track of, handle and properly dispose-off commercial waste is to establish a proper waste sorting system within the premises and where the waste is collected to be disposed-off. This bifurcation will help the people working towards disposing the commercial waste in deciding what needs to be disposed-off, how and where and what can be put into recycling.

5. Hire professionals:

Despite all the steps mentioned above and the ones probably left out, an organization still requires professional assistance to dispose off the waste generated by them. Professional service providers are knowledgeable and adapted to the best ways to dispose-off different types of wastes in order to avoid any mishaps or hazardous consequences. Toxic chemicals, glass, potential pollutants, etc. all have different ways in which they must be disposed. S3FM provides you a team of highly trained professionals and teams that can help with proper disposal of the waste from your organization while keeping the principle of environmental sustainability in mind.

It is high time organizations identify and address the environmental consequences of improper commercial waste disposal and take accountability for it. At S3FM, we provide professionals trained thoroughly in proper waste disposal etiquette. Get in touch with us to know what your company needs for better waste management.

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